23 January 2010

Weekend Kneeler Jeopardy

Not to disappoint Ray, even though he already was disappointed I didn't have this up earlier, here is the latest installment of WKJ. At least this question immediately narrows it down to just a few.

Category: Apostles

This apostle, who deemed himself unworthy to be crucified on the same type of cross as Christ, asked to be tied to a Crux decussata or an X shaped cross.

Bonus (easy once you know the apostle): which country bears this symbol on their provincial flag (coat of arms you could say).

St. Alex says, please place your answer in the form of a question in the combox, and say a few Hail Marys while you wait for the answer to be revealed.

Demerits for using Google and other sneaky searches. Educated guesses are welcome and encouraged. Good luck!!

18 January 2010

For all those with the day off...

some Dino.

My computer's sound is working again, at least for the moment, so I was finally able to see this video. There's some commercial on TV currently that uses this song, not sung by Dino, so had to find this version for myself. Nothing compares to Dino!

15 January 2010

First Weekend Kneeler Jeopardy of the year

Bowing to overwhelming pressure, here is Weekend Kneeler Jeopardy.

Category: Emperors

This infamous emperor was more commonly known by his nickname, which translates (roughly) to "baby boots." Bonus points if you know his full given name (without looking it up, that is).

St. Alex says, please place your answer in the form of a question in the combox, and say a few Hail Marys while you wait for the answer to be revealed.

Demerits for using Google and other sneaky searches. Educated guesses are welcome and encouraged. Good luck!!