Google is releasing their new Sky program (later today, Wednesday, or so they say), which is available for download here. Read more about it...
LONDON (Reuters) - Popular mapping service Google Earth will launch a new feature called Sky, a "virtual telescope" that the search engine hopes will turn millions of Internet users into stargazers. Google, which created Google Earth to give Internet users an astronaut's view that can zoom to street level, said the service would be a playground for learning about space.
"Sky in Google Earth will foster and initiate new understanding of the universe by bringing it to everyone's home computer." Like Google Earth, Sky will enable users to float and zoom in on over 100 million individual stars and 200 million galaxies. Users will view the sky as seen from earth. It has created different layers which will show the life of a star, constellations, high-resolution images provided by the Hubble Space Telescope and a users guide to galaxies.
A backyard astronomy layer lets users click through stars, galaxies and nebulae visible to the eye, binoculars and small telescopes.
Daily Rome Shot 1240
14 hours ago
Um, awesome?
Thanks for the heads-up.
By the way, I put in "Mars" into Google Earth, and it took me to Mars, PA and promptly locked up my computer.
Do you know how I can get it? I already have Google Earth, but I can't seem to figure out where Sky is.
This is SO COOL!
Mars, PA That's funny.
I'm not exactly sure where to find it yet (the link was from the abcnews site) since they said they would release it "this afternoon." So, who knows what that means. They did just mention it on the news, too, and they said the same thing about it being available later today. I think a lot of people will be antcy to get this. Lots of friends are big astronomy buffs.
Okay, Swissie, we're in business.
They certainly didn't make it easy to find, but...
If you go to download the new version of Google Earth, then click, from the toolbar "View", "Switch to Sky" is an option. Just select that, and it comes up.
Thanks for the info. I'm jealous. I just have an old clunker of a computer with a very slow dial-up. I can't even load webpages with lots of graphics, so this is just beyond my feeble abilities. I used to have it at work and did download Google Earth on my home computer but all it did was grind everything to a halt. Maybe Santa will bring me a new computer!
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