Nothing really to blog about, just a brief summation of our vacation.
Thought I had better post a pic of the kids (and hubby!) since Cathy was talking about posting a picture of her cats and Terry was rambling on about no one believing he has real relatives or something.
Although it's ancient history, we survived the MN State Fair last Wednesday. Spent nearly 8 hours there with the kids. No wonder they were ready to drop by the time we were done. My son loves cars, trucks, big farm equipment, etc. So, we spent a good deal of time at Machinery Hill. He sat in just about everything they had. Happy as a clam just to sit in a big ol' tractor. (Great) Grandpa would be proud.
Bad news is that my aunt wasn't at the fair this year (her booth was). She had a bad reaction to her cholesterol medication and was in the hospital for four days. Guess she is doing better.
Had a great time at the fair. Weather was perfect, crowds weren't too bad. Just wish I could've gone a few more times.
Went to Madeline Island on Friday. Made me "homesick" for Seattle. Took the ferry to the island, so that was really like being in Seattle, although the ferry was much smaller. Kids had a great time. They were worn out again and slept all the way back home to the cabin. We are thinking of making it a family tradition to go to Madeline Island on the Friday before Labor Day. Very quiet, although all the rooms in town were booked for the weekend. Think the crowds descended on the town as soon as we left.
Monday we went to Duluth to the Depot train museum and then rode on a train. My dad, who was a railroad engineer for 40+ years, used to take us up to Duluth when we were little to the museum and used to go every year until his death. This was the first time we took the kids to the museum and the first time without my dad. I sure missed my dad when I tried to answer my son's questions about what everything was on the train, although I do think another family that was in one of the trains when we were, were eavesdropping on my narrative and probably were a bit surprised about all I did know (still pales in comparison to a real railroad engineer's knowledge). My son loved the place and wants to go back. My parents-in-law were also along and had no idea the Depot was there or that there was a museum. The train ride was so-so and not too thrilling for the kids.
Spent time with the relatives (hubby's).
Was doing dishes at the cabin and got a bad cut on my hand when a glass broke. Very deep and long. Ahhh, that felt good.
Had to come home because the big day is tomorrow...the beginning of BIBLE STUDY. My son is in the big kids class this year and my daughter is starting the younger kids class. Should be interesting to see how they do. My son is so social that the teacher may just go crazy with his non-stop talking. My daughter hasn't really been away from me much, so will have to see how she does. I thought my son would have some anxiety when he started the program last year, but it was more like, "See ya, mom. No hurry to come and get me."
Oh, and I think we are finally buying a boat. We have had our cabin for six years and haven't had a boat. No, I'm not complaining since we are blessed to even have the cabin. The story is that my husband and I are pretty conservative about Everything. Even money. My parents were raised in the Depression, so I had that sense of frugality instilled in me. My husband and I had been married nearly 15 years and hadn't had any kids. We had recently bought a house, based only on my husband's income (because we are just conservative!) when my dad passed away. With the money I received from selling his home and the extra income we had from my job, we thought we would buy a cabin.
Like I maintain, God has a sense of humor. My father used to ponder about it and wonder if God ever had a great big belly laugh. Well, maybe He didn't previously, but now that my dad is up there (I hope!), I'm sure they are having a great big ol' laugh at the fun they are having with my life. Just when my husband and I finally concluded we weren't having kids, and went against our fiscally conservative tendencies and bought a cabin, God gives us a baby...and another one. So, fortunately we were conservative in our spending because we are now paying for the house and cabin with just hubby's income. It's paycheck to paycheck, but we really want to have the cabin for the kids. Finally decided it was time to get a boat (the neighbors were wondering about us since we didn't have a dock or a boat). Looked and looked and finally think we are going to buy hubby's aunt's boat. They just bought a new pontoon and aren't going to use their old boat, so we're thinking about it. Like molasses in January, we don't move too quickly.
Better run and change the laundry. Got a lot to do before tomorrow.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Welcome back! It sounds like you had a great time. What a great picture of your family. I laughed when I saw your title because I always say, "home again, home again, jiggity-jig".
Sounds like you had a blast. It's hard to believe summer is just about over.
Swissmiss: Welcome back.
I never made good on my promise (threat?) to post photos of my cats. But, Terry worried and now he's posting photos of who knows who they are on his blog.
Welcome back!
I love the photo.
Heyyyy, you lived in Seattle? I went to Garfield High School on Cherry Street for a brief stint.
Hey Swiss Miss,
Welcome back, and I am glad you had a great time on vacation. My family actually visited Duluth and the Boundary Waters this past May and really had a great time.
I came across your blog as I was research stuff on St. Monica for my blog (Polish American Catholic. You have a wonderful site, a must read for me!!!
Thanks everyone. It's good to be back, but also was wonderful at the cabin. My son declared that he LOVES the cabin since he gets to play without us being total hawks (our cabin is at the end of a long peninsula so virtually NO traffic), gets to see his grandparents nearly every day, gets a lot of ice cream and got to watch videos nearly every night and stay up kind of late. Spoiled kids and bad parents ;}
Cathy: My photos are just pics I found on the internet. Terry isn't the only one who just uses random photos ;}
Ma: I lived in Seattle for 10 years (Everett actually). I worked at Boeing and they sent me back to school (U of Washington) to complete my degree in chemical engineering. I then worked in their Operations Research and Development group and also worked on the 777 program. Loved the climate and the environment, but MN is my home.
Thomas: Welcome to my blog! Wish we were still on vacation, but had to come back for bible study. We are leaving again Friday for the cabin. Not too many weekends left in the season :(
Ahhh--thanks for reminding me--my Bible study starts again this Tuesday. Your family is lovely.
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