My husband is taking two grad classes right now. Both are kind of heavy on psychology stuff and finding out what kind of person you really are through class exercises. I'd say he's becoming self-actualized, but I don't think he's learned about Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs yet.
No quiet moments of meditation required. No trips to the confessional.
I've always had an interest in this type of thing (personality tests), but outside of finding it novel and a fun momentary distraction, I haven't come across a real point or purpose. But, then whoever said we had to have a purpose driven life? The amount of time I spend on the computer is evidence enough of that.
Give this test a whirl. It won't tell you what kind of pig you are, but will tell you about your personality.
If you're not too embarrassed, let me hear your results.
Here's all there is to it:
Get a sheet of clean, white paper and draw a pig on it.
When you are finished, check the combox for your PPP analysis.
Don't peek!!
Draw a pig!!
Just do it.
No, I'm not joking!! Draw a pig!
The PPP results:
If the pig is drawn on the top portion of the page you are optimistic and very positive.
If the pig is drawn in the middle of the page you are realistic and factual.
If the pig is drawn toward the bottom of the page, you are pessimistic or tend to have a negative outlook.
If the pig is facing left, you are traditional, friendly and remember birthdays and dates.
If the pig is facing right, you are innovative, action-oriented, not family or date oriented.
If the pig is facing straight ahead, you are direct, like to play devil's advocate and don't avoid issues.
If the pig is very detailed, you are analytical, cautious, suspicious.
If the pig has little detail, you are emotional, bored by detail, naive, and a risk taker.
If the pig has four feet, you are secure, stubborn, and have firm beliefs.
If the pig has less than four feet, you are insecure or going through major changes in life.
The larger the pig's ears the better listener you are.
And last, but not least the longer the pig's tail the better your sex life.
My pig was near the middle, but to the top left of the page, so I'm slightly optimistic, positive, realistic and factual.
My pig was facing oriented towards the left, but not in profile, he was facing toward me, so I'm kind of traditional, friendly and remember birthdays and dates, but also since he faced forward I am direct, like to play devil's advocate and don't avoid issues.
My pig was very detailed which shows I'm analytical, cautious, suspicious.
I had four feet: secure, stubborn, and have firm beliefs.
My pig had fairly large ears, so I must be a pretty good listener.
He had a tail :)
My pig was pretty close to yours - altho more in profile - yep - the tail was long...which must mean chastity and celibacy are equally as satisfying.
My pig had three legs because he was sitting down and smiling.
He was directly in the middle of the page and very detailed.
You have fun posts!
I WISH there had been some analysis about the pig sitting down. I wonder what THAT means?! My pig was detailed, but looked more like a sick rat.
My pig was in the middle, facing left, detailed, and had 4 feet. Also ears and tail. You can see him here.
I think he looks reasonably happy, but then he probably just ate something. Or maybe had sex or heard about having sex. Whatever. ;-D
Your pig is adorable with the spots and hoofs! Very detailed.
I wonder if people would really draw a pig without a tail since it's what defines a pig, really. It was one of the only reasons you could distinguish my pig from the aforementioned sick rat!!
I wanted to include a picture of Porky Pig, but didn't want to bias anyone's drawing, so had to settle for a sliced ham :)
I thought your choice of photo was excellent. Don't forget I went to the state fair this summer, so I've actually walked past a few of them lately. good thing there isn't such a thing as smell-o-vision. Pigs are allegedly smart. Not that I've seen evidence of it! And terry was right, you have fun posts. There is something irresistible about being told to draw a pig "now" "just do it."
gemoftheocean - Your pig is very detailed indeed.
Monica - I'm sure a sitting pig - actually he was more laying down on his legs - probably means he is a lazy pig. Now if he would have had the remote...
My pig was drawn in the middle of the page--realistic and factual.
Facing right--innovative, action-oriented, not family or date oriented. Very true--but I am usually attracted to people who remember dates and keep me "on track."
My pig has little detail, emotional, bored by detail, naive, and a risk taker. I am a risk taker--but thats what makes life fun!
Four feet, you are secure, stubborn, and have firm beliefs. Oh, this is a very true!
Huge ears, while I might be a good listener--I do a fare share of the talking too.
Long, curly tail--cough, sputter.
And I agree with Terry--you do have fun posts! And Karen, you pig looks terrific!
..drawn toward the bottom of the page, ...pessimistic or tend to have a negative outlook. AGREE
...facing straight ahead, you are direct, like to play devil's advocate and don't avoid issues. AGREE except I do avoid issues.(but pig body was pointed left...traditional, friendly and remember birthdays and dates.)
...very detailed, you are analytical, cautious, suspicious.AGREE, but my pig was not as detailed as Gems!
If the pig has four feet, you are secure, stubborn, and have firm beliefs. 150%!!!
The larger the pig's ears the better listener you are. SMALL EARS HERE.....
And last, but not least the longer the pig's tail the better your sex life. I think both are average LOL!
Hubby had to use the computer last night since he had to finish his mid-term take home which is due today, so finally a chance to get back on the computer.
Glad you guys tried the pig personality test! I had taken one years ago about drawing a person and a tree (and something else) but didn't have the analysis for those. I'm surprised Angela's is pessimistic though...you always seem to be so positive!!
Terry, maybe your pig isn't lazy, maybe he's just contemplative (trying to be positive here!)
Tara's is the only one facing to the right. It's funny that I can't even imagine drawing my pig facing that direction. That's a neat result to be innovative.
Cum grano salis!
I have a couple additions to the test...
If the pig is poorly drawn, you are not an artist.
If the pig was never drawn, but you visualized it on a sheet of paper in your head, you are lazy, or out of paper.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled seriousness and sanity.
Well, I didn't follow directions. Instead of a blank piece of paper, I chose a Qwest window envelope with my phone bill that happened to be in front of me. Not following directions is quite common for me.
So I was constrained to the right side of the envelope towards the bottom because the postage indicia was at the top.
Pig facing right, not much detail; tail was a bit long, but would have been much longer but I ran into the poly film window and my pencil couldn't make it any longer. No comment.
The ears were proportionally large and probably the most accurate portion of the drawing.
Four legs, probably the least accurate portion of the drawing.
I like these kinds of "tests."
That's funny that you could not even imagine drawing a pig facing right--because I felt the same way, "why would anyone draw the pig facing left?" Who are the smart people who come up with these tests?
I'm coming to this late but I drew my pig head on and at first just drew the face but then added the body straight back because I decide he must have a tail.
Not much detail. But I appeal to Hidden One because I am not much of an artist. Although it's true I'm not really into details...
Only two legs. What a pushover I am!
This is fun.
My husband only had two legs too, but I think it's because he is contemplating a job change, either within his current company or outside.
I'm glad your pig had a body...would hate to even speculate what that would mean!?!!
In my dream last night I was trying to sleep but my room was filled with flying pigs. I kept having to get up to drag them out the door, but more would come in. I wonder what it means?
I had been thinking about lucid dreams lately, so maybe the nonsensical pigs were supposed to, or should have made me think, "hey! realize that this is a dream!"
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