1. My mother's sterling silver rosary that was given to her on her First Communion. (The picture below doesn't do it justice, it is art nouveau and very beautiful).
2. The picture my father drew of my mother.
3. My grandmother's gold and diamond necklace that was given to her by my grandfather.
4. The two keepsake boxes of childhood things of both my children.
5. The small child's chair my father made.
6. My Irish great-grandfather's bible.
7. The cuckoo clock I got at an auction that my father carved pieces for and fixed and the clock my father made for me with the "Love Dad" plaque inside.
8. My mother's monogrammed nursing cape from her college graduation.
9. The flag that covered my father's coffin.
10. My genealogy binder(s) and photo albums.
I was evacuated once when I lived in Seattle. It had rained so much that they were concerned a reservoir nearby would break. I didn't have most of these items then, but I do remember grabbing the cuckoo clock off the wall :)

What a lovely blog..& post!
Always interesting thought -- but seriously if you are ever given the word to "bug out" on account of a fast moving fire you may REALISTICALLY have 5 minutes or less. In the recent fires one of my co-workers had precisely that. She was able to put clothes on her back, grab her wallet, and dog, and a few photos, and THAT WAS LITERALLY IT. Regards your most important photos, SCAN THEM IN and put a copy in a bank vault. I'm not kidding. Fire after fire - the one consistant thing people are sorry they lost is PHOTOS - scan your important documents in too.
This is my "10 minutes to evacuate list" ;}
My cousin didn't have time to do anything but grab their rabbit and run. The fire was right there.
I do have a photo album/genealogy album that my cousin did and left it with me until Christmas. I need to take it to Kinko's to get some copies made and also scan the photos and put them on a disk. I've been trying to get to this task since the summer. Time is wasting!!
I have some photos on my genealogy webpage, but there are always more photos that I collect and others that I've never scanned. Maybe that should be a weekend project. It will take a chunk of time, but would kick myself if I ever lost them!
It doesn't hurt to post a few in cyberspace. You can always make a private blog for just that purpose.
Nice post - I remember when nurses wore uniforms and caps, and nursing school was as strict as a convent.
some of my favorite things are, the seagull windchimes dad gave me that belonged to his mother. books my dad gave me, and a picture of him as a little guy back in the 30's, and from my brother who died in june of cancer, a picture of Jesus blessing a house. other treasured things are, my sacred heart of Jesus statue hubby bought me, Mary as well, Saint Philomena, and Saint Rita of Cascia statues. these are treasures for me!
My mom went to St. Kate's and was taught by nuns, so it was fairly strict, but it was so bad then she forbid me from ever attending (not so much for its theology, but for the snobbery). My mom's cape is pretty substantial. I think it's blue wool with a gold/verging on orange lining. I have a few b&w's I should post some time of her graduating or something. It was the middle of winter, so I don't know what it was. I think she graduated in the spring???
Nice list!
I have some other items I wouldn't want lost in a disaster, like some statues, religious books, relics and such, but figured if worse came to worse, I could replace those items. I'd hate to lose them though! St. Rita rocks!
Wow, all those items are priceless! My favorite is you mom's picture--drawn by your dad--ohh--you mom is beautiful!
You are so blessed to have all this "love" in your life.
Saint Rita is a special saint to me. she is my patron saint for 2007-2008. really wonderful saint too.
That's a beautiful picture your mom drew of your dad. You're right, it's things like that that aren't replaceable.
I am blessed to have a wonderful family. Truly, God has dropped me among saints. Oddly, in regard to my other post about my brother, he has a slight, but very misguided grudge, against my father primarily. That's a small part of why he's fallen away...of all stupid, prideful reasons. I just hope my brother begins to appreciate these folks before they aren't here any more.
I attribute several miracles in my life to St. Rita in particular (and other saints too.) She is one powerful intercessor!
I think you mean to reverse that...although my dad never has looked so good ;}
Your mother is beautiful. Your father's love for her shines in this image. How blessed you are to have been born to such parents.
I hope your brother realizes also before it's too late--pride--keeps us from God, and those who love us--he does not realize the value of a loving family--and God! Oh, how growing up in an abusive--unloving family--I would have changed places with him in an instant! A little grude--is nothing on the scope of eternity.
You are so blessed, and I pray for him to "come to his senses!"
Beautiful images, swissmiss. I have a Rosary that was my Mom's too. It's one of my most cherished possessions.
Your dad was a very good artist - the portrait is beautiful - as was your mom.
Thanks, everyone. My dad was about 70 when he drew the picture of my mom. He hadn't drawn anything in decades, so I was pretty impressed with the results. I knew he was sad and a bit lonely after my mom died so I asked him to draw her portrait from old pictures for my Christmas present that year. I think the drawing meant a lot to both of us!
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