The White Stone Name Seeker and Gem of the Ocean have nominated me for this award. Thank you! This is totally heinous!
All the legalese that I don't think holds much water, but nonetheless...
By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you have to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want-even those that have received it already, but please award at least 10 people.

Sanctus Belle
White Stone Name Seeker
Archangel's Advocate
Ma Beck
Angela Messenger
Yes, I know I picked more than alloted, but I would wager some of these folks are kind of curmudgeonly, so picked a few extra to ensure that the love gets spread around all of blogdom.
If you don't already know who these folks are, then make your way over to their most excellent blogs and check them out. Tell them So-Crates sent you. Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
Teacher Mr. Ryan: Who was Joan of Arc?
Bill: Noah's wife?
(Hey, she doesn't have a name in the bible, just Mrs. Noah, so it could work)
Thanks, Swissmiss! I don't always participate in memes (intentions-no time) so I accuse myself of being a curmudgeon. :-)
Thanks for the backsies!
Totally awesome! Thanks, man.
I accuse myself of being a Cathy - but thanks Mons! (Although, now I wonder if you just did it out of pity.)
You know that joke about Joan of Arc? It took me awhile to get it. But now I do; Arc - Ark... right? St. Joan lived much later though.
Pity? Huh? No dude, you have a righteous blog.
Joan still could've been Noah's wife's name...you know how the bible has all that prefiguring going on and all...maybe Noah's wife prefigures Joan of Arc. Totally, fer sure!
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