Had to share.
My husband was on a business trip and was seated on the flight next to a lady who was a Psychology professor in Florida. Turns out she used to have a practice as a psychologist in a small town in Wisconsin not far from our cabin. She told my husband that the town is a very popular place to relocate victims of mob crimes. It is also a favorite spot to relocate ex-mob members. Several times the victim recognized the perpetrator...also living in this very small town...and the relocation process had to begin all over again. Our tax dollars at work. It's funny that also not too far from our cabin is Al Capone's Hideout...must just be a popular area with the mob for some reason.
The bear that broke into our shed came back. Hubby had gotten some Gorilla glue and glued (not nailed for some reason) the door trim back together. This time the bear ripped off the trim on the other side of the door, but he didn't manage to get into the shed. Odd because the cocoa bean mulch was sitting just a few feet away outside of the shed. I think the bear has some issues with us.
My parents-in-law own a vacant lot in the woods near their cabin. It was the original lot they owned and used to camp on before they bought a place on the lake. My father-in-law, for some reason, decided he was bored and was going to go over to the lot and cut the grass (and weeds) that had overgrown the path into their lot, which they don't even use. The lawn mower managed to sail a rock through the window of the driver's side of his truck doing $240 of damage. Ouch.
Daily Rome Shot 1240
13 hours ago
I don't know about a bear anymore - I think it is a relocated mob member. :)
You know, I think you're right. Bears seem pretty tame compared to the mob lurking in the woods :) Gives hunting season a whole new meaning. And my FIL's name wasn't drawn for a turkey permit this year. Go figure.
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