(Apologies to Kit!)
If one's stand on abortion and infanticide weren't enough...
If the Freedom of Choice Act didn't scare the beejeezes out of you...
If you can't figure out that socialism would further damage the economy...
Then this should make things quite clear :)

No offense taken, but in all fairness - BO let his law license go inactive. Apparently community activists make more money.
I've been voting for many years, and this is the first time I've actually felt scared for our country. I used to believe that one person couldn't really do that much damage in four years, but that was "yesterday". A gut feeling has me praying harder than ever that voters make good choices.
About lawyers...I teach with a "reformed" attorney. She left law because she said the actual real world practice had very little to do with justice, let alone mercy. She says she's making a real difference in lives now by working with children. She's also an RCIA sponsor and active in education in her parish. My husband's friend has been a lawyer for almost 35 years. He's never made much money at it because he works for the Baltimore City public defender's office taking on lost causes. He also does pro bono work for the Archdiocese. These people give me hope!
To the point! (But I do love Kit and have other friends of that profession)But I'm sorry I did laugh!
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