The other day I was talking to a Carmelite sister and asked her for a recommendation on a book that would provide some foundational understanding of the works of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. Well, she didn't really give me an answer to that, but suggested I read about Venerable Teresa Quevedo (1930-1950).
From what I have learned so far online is Teresa had a great devotion to Our Lady and that she was very much like St. Therese of Lisieux in that she had a simple faith and tried to do small things well.
During the novitiate she went fully through "The Story of a Soul", the Autobiography of St.Therese of Lisieux. She wrote in her diary: "I will try to imitate her, so that Jesus may find in me all the consolations this little saint gave Him. I really like St.Therese's 'little way'; only, in my opinion, this little way has to pass through Our Lady.". SourceTeresa's own little way dealt with amiability:
The virtue of amiability results from the fusion of several strong virtues. It is the all things to all men that grows out of charity: the knowledge of self that humility teaches; the pure detachment found in mortification; the meekness born of patience; and the undaunted courage won of perseverance... The Code of Amiability obliges one:
1. To smile until a kindly smile forms readily on one's lips.
2. To repress a sign of impatience at the very start.
3. To add a word of benevolence when giving orders.
4. To reply positively when asked to do a favor.
5. To lend a helping hand to the unfortunate.
6. To please those toward whom one feels repugnance.
7. To study and satisfy the tastes of those with whom one lives.
8. To respect everyone.
9. To avoid complaining.
10. To correct, if one must, with kindness.
These are the dispositions which union with the amiable Virgin will place in our heart.
About Venerable Teresa Quevedo
On June 9th 1983, Pope John Paul II declared Venerable a young Spanish girl from Madrid, named Maria Teresa Gonzalez-Quevedo. She was just twenty years old, born on April 14, 1930, she died on April 8, 1950.
Thus the Church officially crowned this short but intensely lived life, which ended in the Charity Carmelite Novitiate in the Congregation, where she wanted to spend her whole life, praying and doing active apostolate and even longing to work in foreign missions.
This Madrid girl's life in many ways is closely connected with the Society of Jesus. As a matter of fact, Teresita (as she was usually called) developed her spiritual life in taking active part in the Marian Sodality at the Charity Carmelite Institute, where she was studying.
As all know, the Marian Sodalities trace their origin to the Society of Jesus. The Jesuit Fathers spread them throughout the Catholic world as her tool for Christian commitment, particularly suited for young people, thus enabling them to spread the spiritual values drawn from the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola - the Founder of the Jesuits - in their families, in their work places, and in all their apostolic activities.
The Marian Sodalities "Way" is based on the theological training at different levels (according to the different types of members), on continual prayer, on the frequent revision of life, strengthened precisely by making the annual Spiritual Exercises, and by special devotion to Our Lady, shown both by listening to God's word and living it, as she did by her eagerness in sharing with others all the treasures received.
The other link with the Society of Jesus is also the fact that the family of the Venerable Maria Teresa counts two Jesuits among her relatives. Teresita's father had two brothers who were Jesuits; Father Antonio Gonzalez-Quevedo is one of them; Teresita received her first communion from him.
She lived in a rather difficult period, marked by the awful Spanish civil war, during which a veritable religious persecution broke out, seven thousand priests and thirteen bishops died. Three brothers of the father of Teresita were among those martyrs.
Dear Swissy,
The magazine "From the Housetops" had an extensive article about her a few years back. Here is the link for the magazine: http://www.saintbenedict.com/publications/housetops.php. I only send this link to the magazine. This is an FYI only, not an endosement of the Saint Benedict Center as such.
All my best,
Nova Mom
Thanks Katie. I did see a lot of info on Ven Teresa online and it was from either the St. Benedict Center or the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart.
How did Kindergarten go at Nova?
Read book on her life: MARY WAS HER LIFE Sister Mary Pierre, Benziger Brothers 1960; out of print, but available used, or recently reprinted by Lepanto Press, USA; they have a website.
Very good book about her life and Marian spirituality; much more info than anything on the Web. Highly recommended.
Sr. Annette - were you speaking with Sr. Annette - she loves this saint. If you speak to the nuns - tell them I say hello - I have not been in contact with them since Mother Paula died.
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