Hold yer horses, here's WKJ. I have some folks chompin' at the bit wanting WKJ. Sorry, I've been busy and one of my aunt's is failing. I'm off to visit with her now. Please keep her in your prayers. She's already received Last Rites, please pray for a peaceful death and the repose of her soul. Thank you so much.
This category has been used on Jeopardy, but I think it may take some explaining. You need to take part of the answer from the first part and add it to the answer from the second part to get the correct WKJ question. I hope this isn't going to be a mess, but we'll see how it goes.
Category: Before and after authors
This is what you get if the Canterville Ghost interviews Lestat. (I don't just want the authors' names, it needs to be in the form of "before and after" making a unique solution...I'm beginning to appreciate how hard Alex Trebek's job is!)
St. Alex says, please place your answer in the form of a question in the combox, and say a few Hail Marys while you wait for the answer to be revealed.
Demerits for using Google and other sneaky searches. Educated guesses are welcome and encouraged. Good luck!!
What is (Oscar) Wilde (Anne) Rice?
I don't have a clue but if AA holds true to form, well, there you have it! LOL!
I was going to come heckle you about no WKJ but then I read about your Aunt and am ashamed of myself. Prayers here!
AA is correct!! It's a trifecta for him. WOW!! Impressive!! Some people are just too smart :) At least he understood what I was getting at. Maybe we need a special crown for that many wins!
Visited with my aunt and she's kind of misty since she has all her mental faculties and knows the end is near. I spoke to her about Gregorian Masses and was surprised she didn't know about them. I told her I would be happy to arrange them for her...something so simple that has a tremendous impact. I plan to get back to see her soon since she wanted watermelon slices LAST year and I never got them for her. Saw them today at Lunds (for $5!!!), so will get some and run them over to her so I don't live with that regret forever!! Appreciate the prayers.
Prayers for your aunt (and for all of us) fr a happy & holy death. St. Joseph, St Michael, and Mother Mary pray for us!
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