Sorry, it's a busy time of year. I've been cooking all day and now my MIL is here, so here's all I can muster.
Category: Card sharks
This popular 19th century game, also known as the "Curse of Scotland," bears the name of a much disputed figure in Church history.
St. Alex says, please place your answer in the form of a question in the combox, and say a few Hail Marys while you wait for the answer to be revealed.
Demerits for using Google and other sneaky searches. Educated guesses are welcome and encouraged. Good luck!!
Who is Mary Stuart?
Not really sure if she's disputed in Church history though, or if there's a 19th century game named after her...
Ohhh, good guess...not correct though! This card game is actually older than the 19th century, having it's origins in the 16th century, it became popular in the 19th.
What is Whist?
Sorry AA, not Whist. Not many guesses, so here's a clue: according to legend, the person this game is named after, was in the Church hierarchy (hope that doesn't give it away).
An online source I just checked says this game is an 18th century English game, derived from the French games of Matrimony and Comete.
Hmmmm, not many guesses. Seems we need another clue: the card game is named after a woman.
I'm craving oatmeal cookies.
What is "bridge" (maybe short for Bridget?)
What is "Pope Joan"?
Sorry Laura. Creative answer!
BEDE!!!! You got it!! How many of these things have you won? You have now earned the WKJ tiara...sorry don't have a digital version of one yet :) I was just about to give away the answer since I had so few guesses, then out of no where comes Bede to save the day!! Woo hoo!!! Glad you got it!!!!!!!!
Oh, V, you are always craving food :) My next question will have to be about food.
Wow... a tiara! May I share it with Cathy?
Cathy has one once, I believe. The tiara, although yours to do as you please, is a prestigious honor reserved for numerous WKJ wins. I don't want the WKJ awards to become as common place as the Nobel or Oscar, so please use some discretion!
Did you learn about this game at the Renaissance Fest or did you just guess about the name? I ask because the RF is where I saw this game and almost bought it for friends...although I didn't know if they would appreciate my sense of humor.
I'm sure I read about it in a book somewhere; I didn't learn about it at the RF.
I believe I'll wear my tiara snowshoeing this week. Looks like there ought to be enough snow!
I would have said what Chris did - I'm lying.
But Merry Christmas and happy birthday!
Swissy: Yoo-hoo! I know you've been busy but I miss you! I'm shocked Vin is not over here demanding you come back.
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