Somehow the days are getting away from me. Didn't have a chance to come up with a Jeopardy question last Friday, so am sneaking one in today.
Category: The Heavens
Established in 1891, the Vatican Observatory was involved in "more than four decades astronomical research, which included a prominent international program to map the whole sky, was carried out in the shadow of St. Peter's, but it eventually became obvious that the urban growth of the Eternal City was brightening the sky to such an extent that the fainter stars could no longer be studied." Because of this, during the 1930s, it was moved to this present location.
St. Alex says, please place your answer in the form of a question in the combox, and say a few Hail Marys while you wait for the answer to be revealed.
Demerits for using Google and other sneaky searches. Educated guesses are welcome and encouraged. Good luck!!
The first correct answer in the form of a question wins the highly coveted WKJ ribbon to display on your blog, cubicle or refrigerator door.
What is Arizona?
I should've been more specific since you're partially correct! The Vatican did collaborate with the Steward Observatory in AZ in 1993, and constructed the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope there, but the Vatican Observatory moved in the 1930s to this location and it still remains the headquarters. Soooo close.
Ah, headquarters.
What is Castel Gandolfo?
Looks like we have a winner...who also gets brownie points for Arizona!!! Congrats!! You win the highly esteemed, worth more than a Nobel, WKJ award!!!
I wish I had a summer residence that was an observatory. How cool is that!
"I wish I had a summer residence that was an observatory. How cool is that!"
That would be very cool.
Well, I'm only eight days late. But I did have the answer (both of them). But I guess "close" only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and slow dancing, not Weekend Jeopardy at the Kneeler.
Sorry, Ray, neither you nor I even got the cigar!
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