To my husband, may God give you many more years to enjoy Father's Day. We have been blessed with two beautiful and independent kids.
To my father, may God bless you abundantly.
You taught me to be independent while still protecting me.
Taught me to be strong and stand on my own two feet, but also to be compassionate.
Taught me to persevere even when I didn't think I could.
Provided an incredible example of how a man can be the head of the household but still have a soft side and be deeply religious.
Showed me the joy of a great sense of humor.
Taught me to swim, to draw, to ride a bike, to drive a car.
Never meddled in my life with your ideas of what I should do and how I should do it, but supported me in my decisions and admonished me when I went astray, primarily when it came to religion.
Told me you were proud of me...many times.
Showed me how to have a stable marriage.
Taught me it was OK to fight back if attacked, but never tolerated your kids starting a fight/being a bully.
Gave me what it takes to be a contrarian, but also showed me it wouldn't be easy.
Worked hard, never complained, despite the BS that swirled around you.
Treated my husband like another son.
Loved my mom, insanely.
I wish you were here to see your grandchildren, but know you are looking out after all of us. I miss you so very much.
Daily Rome Shot 1240
14 hours ago
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