Last week, I took a few items to the Total Life Care Center in Highland Park. I was happy to learn that they will be moving about two blocks east. This puts them almost next door to Planned Parenthood. TLC has about 20 facilities in MN and WI offering a variety of services:
We provide a safe place to voice your pregnancy concerns and learn more about alternatives to abortion to help you make fully informed decisions about your pregnancy.
Ultrasound services are offered at several Centers. Pre-natal clinics are offered at two Centers in Minneapolis. Limited medical services, such as STD-testing and immunizations, are offered at some Centers. All medical services are provided by licensed medical specialists who care about you.
If you are familiar with the area in Highland Park, there is a Planned Parenthood on Ford Parkway, across from the library. Currently, TLC is just down the road on Ford Parkway, but in a pretty nondescript locale and it has NO parking. TLC is going into the old Grand Array store, which is on the corner of Ford Parkway and Kenneth. They will be a stone's throw from PP. I had hoped they would buy the old Burger King that was right next door to PP, but that will become a Dairy Queen. I don't understand how people tolerate this evil right in the middle of a neighborhood...right next to a park, shops, the library and families. I pray TLC makes their presence known and felt.
It seems they are trying doing what Father Corapi said, as this isn't the first time they have moved close to an abortion mill. Father said that if there was a place for Eucharistic Adoration right next to an abortion mill, the mill would eventually close down. Hopefully, having TLC next to PP will begin to have an effect. Now they just need Adoration there!
Daily Rome Shot 1240
13 hours ago
That's one DQ I will never buy a cone from. I think I would throw it up at the thought that right next door a baby could be dying.
I really don't know what DQ was thinking. The new site for the TLC is going to be much more visible. I hope they take advantage of it.
We will! Archbishop Flynn has given us permission to reserve the holy sacrament there. Please keep spreading the word and praying.
Wow! That's incredible and absolutely wonderful. May God bless the Archbishop for allowing you to have the holy sacrament there!! And, God bless your apostolate!! I'm speechless, I'm so happy!! Will keep supporting TLC however I can.
Once TLC gets moved in, and the number of demonstrators increases right next to the newly opened DQ, there is going to be one mighty unhappy owner/operator.
You can count on me to increase my Rosaries in front of PP and DQ. The real estate company won't be happy either.
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