After a huge labor of love by my husband, frustration that was not quantifiable, words that probably were not speakable, this is how my cake turned out...
I'm glad my husband isn't a chef because the perfect snowman birthday cake would've been a ho-hum event. Instead, I received this wonderful, unique work of art that warmed my heart and brought a smile to my face.
And it tasted even better than it looked!
Monica, your post and picture had the entire Fischer clan gathered around the computer for a peek at your amazing birthday cake. A good laugh was shared by one and all. My dear hubby was impressed by the effort! T.
I think hubby's downfall was trying to use the frosting...probably too heavy and hard to deal with when the cake is standing up. He said it had been standing at one point, but then fell over. I was surprised he didn't truss it up with something. He also had some issues with filling the pan with batter...thought it would expand into all areas like foam insulation so didn't put any batter in the broom area! I think next year I'll tell him to stick to a 9x13.
Happy be-lated birthday Swissy! Hope you had a beautiful day. Love the cake!!
God bless him.
Toooooo funny. One year my hubby made me a cake and tried to make roses for the top. He asked my Mom if she thought I would know what they were. She assured him that I would know exactly what they were. When he brought out the cake the first words out of my mouth were, "what are those red blobs on the top?" He was crushed....(Mom should have warned me!!!!)
Adrienne, she should have! I bet it was yummy.
It's a beautiful cake when seen with eyes of love. Happy Birthday!
Thanks everyone! It is a memorable cake!
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