I think I'm getting close to being done with Christmas shopping. In prior years, I was always buying presents throughout the year and had things done before Thanksgiving, but now that stores have changed their return policies, I typically hold off until after Thanksgiving.

For my 83 year-old aunt who insists on no presents. She is a wonderful gift giver, but very poor receiver. She told me this year if I bought her anything she would stomp on it. I told her I would get her a Whoopie Cushion.
Instead, I got her a Baltimore Catechism. She was lamenting about learning from it in school, but not having it around anymore. I gave her one of the current catechisms a few years ago, but she really wanted a Baltimore. It's amazing how much her generation can quote from memory from the Baltimore. I know each week in bible study there are some elderly ladies who are always reciting something from memory that they learned using the Baltimore Catechism. Don't think she'll be stomping on the catechism.

My son and daughter want every toy they see. Complete insanity! Along with a smattering of toys, my son is getting something that we will be learning about shortly in school, the Romans. He's had a set of Schleich knights for a few years and we'll learn about them next year when we get to Medieval history, but this year is ancient history so we will be covering the Greeks and Romans in the next few months. There are chariots and soldiers that go with this set too, along with a Roman camp and sailing ship.

We are also getting him a guitar and my daughter an electronic drum set. I was in band when I was in school and also learned to play the piano and organ. Hubby didn't learn any musical instruments and really wants the kids to be exposed to music since he wasn't.
My daughter loves to play the drums and the set we got her is a quieter, more mom-friendly, option. She and my son can share the guitar and drums. Hopefully, they won't become like the Partridge family. She's also getting a baby doll that is wearing a bath towel that looks like a duck, just like one she has herself. When my daughter first started bible study, she was a little timid and I let her wear her ducky bath towel to bible study (other kids had blankies, she had a bath towel). After a few weeks, we were able to leave the duck towel at home. I also got her a set of John Deere farm animals and equipment since she had such a fun time at Father K's family farm.

Hubby came with me to a homeschool store earlier this year and while I was rummaging through Kindergarten stuff, he was looking at Latin and Logic books. He told me he wanted a logic book for Christmas. I had one from my days at St. Thomas, but couldn't find it any where. Then I had to figure out a decent logic book to buy him. I don't know if this one is great, but it's what he's getting. Hopefully, he won't visit my blog any time soon and see this! He doesn't normally visit blogs, even mine, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

We are getting my MIL some of the books in the Wicked series. She asked for them, it's not a commentary on how we feel about her. Just a little ironic is all. I don't know what else to get her though. Still thinking about it.
For me, hubby is getting me a five-fold scapular. I know because I ordered it for myself the other day!
"Instead, I got her a Baltimore Catechism."
That's funny - I just ordered #3 early this morning!
Love the part about the MIL!
We will have the Roman arena under our tree this year too, found it on clearance at Target back in early September! I love good deals and quality toys.
Wicked - ha!
We are saving our money to have the Gregorian Masses said for some departed friends and relatives.
The first 30 are in progress, for Joe's beloved grandfather.
I've got so many more on the list, but at $90 a pop (the lowest stipend I found for all 30 masses, from the Franciscans), it'll have to be a long-term project.
Love the BC idea. "Stomp on this - I dares ya!"
What a deal at $90!! Which Franciscans are doing the Masses? I have the Seraphic Mass Association do them (Capuchin-Franciscans) and they were $200 awhile back. Think the price has gone up though. I do know that the Miles Christi priests are doing them and but haven't asked how much they charged. GREAT gift.
Glad you're back, at least commenting, Ma! Have a blessed Advent and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Here is a link to have the Masses said:
I was able to pay with Paypal, and they sent me an e-mail wanting to know what the payment was for. (I know, right?)
Anyway, I just mailed back "For Gregorian Masses for so-and-so" and he emailed me back to thank me and to tell me when the masses would be offered. (They start today, matter of fact.)
Yeah, my mom had a friend who was a priest who died recently and he gave her money for the Gregorian Masses - it was $300 where they were said for him!
P.S. Thanks! And a wonderful advent to you, too! Tomorrow night, "Messiah" at St. John Cantius - I can't wait.
Tell the family hi!
Thanks, Cathy.
Will have to make another trip to SJC. Incredible church and parish. Wish I had more time to check it out when we were there.
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