OK, it may just be cool to me, but had some luck at garage sales today after having been pretty much skunked up to this point. Got my son a wooden knight's shield, not the exact one as seen in the picture, but the kind they sell at the Renaissance Faire for around $20. This one was $1.50

A Thames and Kosmos "Milestones in Science Kit." The kit was brand new and unopened and retails for $90. Got it for $2
Embark on an active research expedition through the history of science and technology. Learn about famous scientists and inventors, like Archimedes, Copernicus, Einstein, Watt, and Darwin, as you reproduce their ground-breaking experiments. Read about each scientist and their times, what they did and how they did it, and then see it yourself firsthand! From the Stone Age to modern times, the history of science comes to life in front of you in this tangible, hands-on format. This comprehensive kit covers the accomplishments of over 140 scientists and civilizations.

I also got this brand new kit for $2.
Along with the science kits, I found some homeschooling books:
The New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism No.2
The Winged Watchman by Hilda van Stockum
Beorn the Proud by Madeleine Polland
The Life of Grace - Faith and Life Series 7
And a guilty pleasure for me

What? No "Mad Scientist's Kit" or "Mr. Peabody's Wacky Wayback Machine Kit"?
I'm still looking for those. May need to drive up to Frostbite Falls to see if they have a gift shop.
Science kits these days are so disappointing because they no longer have any "dangerous" chemicals in them. Most of them have no chemicals. The kit I got today has two: Calcium hydroxide and "sodium hydrogen carbon (NaHCO3)."
Your garage sale hostess must use Seton. My son read all those books last year. =] This reminds me to pack them away well so kid #2 can use them.
(we're still new to homeschooling)
Hi Heather:
I've only completed my second year of homeschooling, so am pretty new in the scheme to things also.
In between garage sales today, I was at a friend's house and she uses Seton -- has all of the Bethlehem books (I'm kinda jealous!). I bought them because the history curriculum I use, Connecting with History (www.rchistory.com), also uses a lot of the Bethlehem books. We use the Faith and Life series for our religion and I've bought through Book 7 even though we will be on Book 2 next year.
I just buy one year at a time. We fully enroll with Seton, so that's a bit pricey. =]
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