After making everyone weary of the history category last week, we'll move over to science and see how it goes.
Category: What's in a name
Science has benefited greatly from the works of numerous Catholics. Three common electrical units have been named after important Catholic pioneers. Name the units and/or the scientists they are named for. You need all three to get the WKJ ribbon.
St. Alex says, please place your answer in the form of a question in the combox, and say a few Hail Marys while you wait for the answer to be revealed.
Demerits for using Google and other sneaky searches. Educated guesses are welcome and encouraged. Good luck!!
The first correct answer in the form of a question wins the highly coveted WKJ ribbon to display on your blog, cubicle or refrigerator door.
Thanks, Vincenzo, for the updated design:

Completely guessing here...
I guessed (in my head) and got 2 out of 3 right, but as it is Swissy's question I'm giving no clues (na-ne-na-ne-na-na! :-p )
(I've been denounced on 4 continents as being a "Spoiled Brat", a title I hold in great esteem (as it's MINE))
What are amp (Ampere), volt (Voltaire) and farad (Faraday)?
Chris: I'd like to make your birthday a good one, but you are 0 for 3 on this one :( Happy Birthday though!
AA: 2 of 3? I need a notary signature on that.
RJW: You are soooo close. You have one totally correct, one of them half correct, and the other is incorrect. Faraday wasn't a Catholic. OH SO CLOSE!!
Corrected text:
I have a BS in Chemistry so took a lot of physics. I forgot that Watt was from Scotland so was probably Presbyterian. I missed the one who comes 2nd alphabetically as the unit attached to him is not a common 1 (whereas the other 2 are used a lot). Also my Grandpa (the mugwump one) was a master electrician.
I try to avoid all things electrical. My most unfavorite subject. My brother was a BSEE. Mostly the BS part. Do you still work in the chemistry field?
Nope. I work in the software industry (medical office software).
Who were Volta, Coulomb and Ampere?
Sprachmeister gets it!! I'm using a computer in deep woods of WI right now, so this will be short and sweet...CONGRATS Sprachmeister!! You win the highly coveted WKJ award!!!
Back in town tomorrow,
swissmiss posting as anonymous
Yey! :D I knew the physics I learn at school would come in handy some day...
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