The parishioners at St. Agnes were just getting to know Father Randall Kasel. Now we learn Father Kasel will become Parochial Administrator of St. Charles in Bayport, MN, on July 2. I haven't heard who is going to replace him at St. Agnes.
Father Kasel is a wonderful priest, strongly reminiscent of his predecessor. I didn't even have the chance to get to know him, other than in the confessional. I will miss his, "God loves you VERY much," as he gave absolution. St. Charles is getting a good priest and our prayers go with him. You will be missed, Father.
Fr. Kasel is a wonderful priest. I'm praying that they put a newly ordained (last 2 years or more recent) priest there. What a wonderful learning experience.
It has been a difficult time at St. Agnes losing three priests all in a very short time (Fathers Welzbacher and Altier and Monsignor Schuler), then the subsequent death of Monsignor Schuler and the high school scare. Now, just as we are getting back in the groove, Father Kasel is being reassigned. Great for him!! For Father Ubel's sake, I hope they get a replacement soon!
I wonder if any of them have been trained to say the traditional Latin Mass (or even the New Order Mass in Latin)?
Former AB:
The parish I belong to has a NO Latin Mass at 10am on Sunday, so if any of the new priests are being sent to St. Agnes, they will either have already learned it in the seminary or will learn it.
Go to www.stagnes.net to read about the parish, if you are interested. It is a wonderful, beautiful church and parish that has produced many vocations to the priesthood and religious life. St. Agnes has a world-renowned music program (schola and chorale) and has been kept from many of the post-VII "changes" (no free standing altar, still has a communion rail, etc.) Many of the newly ordained priests are (much) more conservative than their predecessors.
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