This question is hard to hint at without giving it away. I think the time frame pretty much points to the answer.
Category: Novel Inquiries
Though taken down with fever, this writer refused to stay below in the vessel he was serving, and begged to be allowed to take part in the battle (of Lepanto), saying that he would rather die for his God and his king than keep under cover. He fought bravely on board a vessel, and received three gunshot wounds – two in the chest, and one which rendered his left arm useless, saying that he "had lost the movement of the left hand for the glory of the right."
St. Alex says, please place your answer in the form of a question in the combox, and say a few Hail Marys for this last week of the Year for Priests while you wait for the answer to be revealed.
Demerits for using Google and other sneaky searches. Educated guesses are welcome and encouraged. Good luck!!
The first correct answer in the form of a question wins the highly coveted WKJ ribbon to display on your blog, cubicle or refrigerator door.
Thanks, Vincenzo, for the updated design:

I know it, and the musical theatre clues I could give...
No more hints!! I thought this was pretty obvious to begin with...at least the time frame hugely helps. Otherwise, I hadn't known this story about the author.
I guess this is harder than I thought it was. Here's a hint: chivalry.
Boy, Swissie, you own a lot of books that I don't.
But I'll go with the hint and the times: Who was Cervantes?
[author of one of my fave books!]
I guess it's OK to Google after the guess, right! Imagine, 21 hours into the day and I was still the first to answer. My first thought was Dante.
Congrats!! You got it!!! Don't know why this one garnered a bunch of crickets...people mustn't like the literature category. You win the lovely, Vincenzo original, Weekend Kneeler Jeopardy award!!
And, of course, AA knew this one too!! I don't know a category he's weak in...cooking?
And I was holding "Lemon trees", "tilting at windmills", and numerous others in abeyance. (My 1st guess was Ignatius Loyola but he wasn't at Leponto).
Food I might get (I eat a lot), but I'm week in bio...
Thank you, Swissie! I think this (finally) is a twofer for me, but it's been a long time. "Chivalry" was the clincher for me. I have no idea what the "lemon tree" clue was and I totally spaced at the "windmill" reference.
I thought of Ignatius, too, but I knew a tiny bit about his military life and I didn't recall anything about Lepanto. I knew nothing about Cervantes' life at all. But I loved Don Quixote.
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