21 November 2009

Weekend Kneeler Jeopardy

Category: Christendom

During the 14th century, this was the last mainland European country to officially convert to Christianity.

St. Alex says, please place your answer in the form of a question in the combox, and say a few Hail Marys while you wait for the answer to be revealed.

Demerits for using Google and other sneaky searches. Educated guesses are welcome and encouraged. Good luck!!


Chris said...

[Complete guess!]

St. Alex, what is Hungary?

swissmiss said...

Not Hungary, sorry!

spraffmeister said...

Is Finland a Scandinavian country?

swissmiss said...

My best friend growing up was half Finnish and Norwegian. I believe Finland is considered part of Scandinavia in the broad sense of the word (usually Scandinavia refers to Denmark, Sweden and Norway). However, the last pagan country isn't Finland.

ArchAngel's Advocate said...

What is Scotland?

swissmiss said...

No me laddie, not Scotland.

ArchAngel's Advocate said...

Then what is Iceland?

swissmiss said...

Iceland is actually a really good answer (question) and I believe it converted even later, but it is specifically out of the running since I said "mainland European" country.

ArchAngel's Advocate said...

Then let's try the other side of the continent:
What is Bulgaria?

swissmiss said...

You're moving in the right direction, but it isn't Bulgaria.

Vincenzo said...

What is Lithuania?

ArchAngel's Advocate said...

What is Romania?

swissmiss said...

Sorry to leave you hanging, but we went out for lunch, then grocery shopping and then to the bookstore. First I'll tell you the answer to WKJ, then for V's and Cathy's benefit, I'll talk about lunch :)

The answer is Lithuania. V gets it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!

Cathy will think it's odd since we were just there yesterday, but we went to lunch at Cecil's. Had to take hubby there for a reuben since he loves them. He had a spicy reuben and the kids and I had breakfast items, even turkey bacon. That alone makes it difficult for me to be Jewish :)

(Just learned that a great grandmother somewhere in my family tree was Jewish, so am embracing my Jewish ancestry by venturing out the the deli.)

Unknown said...

Well, here I am, some 30+ hours late. Jeepers, I'm gong to have to make a tickler file or something.

But I would have guessed, if not Finland, my first guess, Estonia, where their language is quite similar to Finnish, reputed to be the most difficult language in the world for a foreigner to learn.

I think that Russians, 30% of the populaton, but few of who speak Estonian, are considered a persecuted minority in Estonia. I would imagine that the Estonians take great pleasure in that.

Congratulations, Vinnie!

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Vin is so happy he won! Really. He wants a big trophy.

Swissy: I don't blame you for eating at Cecil's again (is "blame" the right word?)It was SO good!

Vincenzo said...

"Vin is so happy he won! Really. He wants a big trophy."

I want pumpkin pie.