You first have to recognize you have a problem.
It took a long time to get there, but I think I finally hit bottom. I have been out of the tech field for several years and the distance has affected my personal life. Looking back, I can see how I got to this point, but am not so sure I want to reform.
I'm a Luddite of sorts. My husband is well into denial that he is a full-blown Luddite. I'm not totally against technology, but I don't want it to run my life. I don't want to be a slave to it and have it infiltrate every moment of my life.
No cell phones
No iPODs
No Blackberry
No laptop
No cable
Pretty much just an old PC with a slow dial-up modem and a cordless phone.
Then my tech-enabled brother showed up and started the 12-step program. See, he's totally tech savvy and is embarrassed that his sister is so Cro-Magnon. Especially since I used to work at Intel at one time. They've probably erased all evidence that I ever was employed there.
My brother has every gadget. Fast computer, cell phone, Ninetendo gamey things, Wii, etc. I'm not saying these are good, mind you, just that he's on one end of the tech spectrum and I'm on the other.
I'm not sad about it and don't really think I have a problem. A three year-old with an iPOD, now there's a problem.
So, what's a little brother to do when Big Sis is in the dark ages?
Buy her a cell phone.
Now I'm totally connected...or so the salesman said. I have a pre-paid cell phone that won't even work at my cabin, which is one place I might actually use it in case of emergency. The salesman was so confident and cocky that the area at my cabin was covered, and even my brother didn't believe me when I told him that there is dead air at our cabin. "Oh, no m'am, your area is in our coverage." I'm sorry, I wasn't going to let these two make me feel totally in the dark ages and ignorant, so I had him check the coverage area...since he offered to show me on their computer that can check any address GPS-like and just PROVE it's "covered."
Low and behold, upon closer scrutiny (zooming into the area where my cabin is) it shows a dead spot. In fact, the entire lake (which is nine miles long) isn't even on the map since it's all grey in the "not covered area" where my cabin is supposed to be. Not so smug now are ya boys! My brother merely responded that he couldn't believe that we are so completely backwards that we can't even get cell phone coverage at the cabin. It wasn't that the cell phone company was lacking, it was us.
That's the point. Greta Garbo had it right. When I'm at my cabin, I want to be alone. If I want to use the phone, I can always drive down to the end of the road and use the phone...that area is covered.
See, it's not so much that I'm a Luddite as it is I value my peace and quiet...quiet time with my family, not a gizmo.
Daily Rome Shot 1226 – “Baaaaaah!”
14 hours ago