Category: Church firsts
The first Catholic diocese in the New World was established in which country?
Demerits for using Google or other search engines! However, educated, and even not-so-educated, guesses are welcome!
St. Alex says, place your answer in the form of a question in the combox, say a Hail Mary and then call your earthly mother and wish her a Happy Mother's Day while you wait for the answer to be revealed.
What is Cuba?
Oh, so close! It's not Cuba though :)
What is Mexico?
Getting colder! (I can't imagine St. Alex saying that during a real game of Jeopardy though :)
What is Portugal?
What is the United States?
What is The Dominican Republic?
What is Italy?
I want to say what is St. Augustine, Fla, but I'm not sure?
If that fails....
So far, none of the above.
Vincenzo is veddy veddy close, making a virtual geographic arc around the answer.
What is Haiti?
Ray swoops in and gets it!!
V was soooo close! Great first guess with Cuba, only a short distance away from Haiti, and then the Dominican Republic is right next door in Hispaniola.
My first guess was Cuba, thinking that the D.R., where he first landed, was too small/poor to be a diocese.
Vincenzo beat me to those.
Swissie's "colder" clue told me that it had to be Haiti, the west half of the island of Hispanola (the D.R. being the east half).
Being a bit of a geography geek helped here.
What's my prize, Swissie?
Oh, I didn't mention the prize as I did on the first Jeopardy quizzes I did.
You receive the satisfaction of knowing you are a brainiac. Congrats, oh wise master!
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