Ok, everyone, hold on. It's a milestone. My daughter, Catherine, just took her first steps today!!!
She is nearly two, so pretty behind in walking. Her brother didn't walk until he was 18 months. Guess my kids are just behind the power curve. Doc said Catherine is perfectly fine, just out on the fringes of the bell curve and plenty other parents have assured me their kids, too, were late walkers. This is wonderful news because Catherine was born with spina bifida. Through the prayers of many, here and in heaven, the spina bifida was cured. I have the reports from the scans to show the spina bifida and the reports that indicate she is NORMAL. All that remains of the spina bifida is the pronounced dimple between her cheeks. Although we knew the spina bifida was cured, having Catherine not walk for so long was beginning to concern everyone. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief and move on to the potty training stage.
Praised be God!
Thank you for prayers heard and answered:
St. Rita
St. Margaret
St. Jude
St. Catherine
St. Clare
St. Monica
St. Anthony
St. John
St. Lawrence
St. Thomas
St. Joseph
St. Therese
St. Teresa
Padre Pio
Fr. Solanus Casey
Fr. Thomas Pingatore
Fr. Jakobek
My father and mother
All the Holy Souls whom I implored
Poor suffering souls in Purgatory
The Guardian Angels
Blessed Virgin Mary
Thank you for listening, interceding, imploring, praying and assisting us.
Thanksgiving Prayer
Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks.
Thank you for all the graces and blessings you have bestowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage, our food and shelter, our health, the loves we have for one another, our family and friends.
Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity, please grant us continued graces and blessing throughout the coming year.
This we ask in the Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.
I'll join with you in Thanking God for this little girls life and healing!
Thanks, Santus Belle! (Had to delete my previous comment since it posted before I was even done!!) Catherine's miracle happened late last year after many, many prayers by so many people. We were told when she was born that she probably had spina bifida, just from the outward signs. An ultrasound confirmed it. I could see it for myself and also had the radiologist explain it to me in detail, twice, since I was in shock. (Being a control freak, I insisted on being there for all the tests. And, being an engineer, I didn't let people talk in grade school terms.) My mother was a nurse and my father was a volunteer who taught first aid and many other courses, so I had some knowledge of what I was looking at. Had an MRI, unsedated initially, that didn't work. They wouldn't let me in the room when she had the sedated MRI. Was freaked out when they paged the Radiologist to come in during the procedure. Now, I learn, the reason they paged him is that they couldn't find anything, especially when they reread the charts and previous ultrasound results. They even did "special" scans, what they were, I don't know, and found nothing!! All that's left now is a hidden birthmark to remind all of us of God's incredible mercy.
That is so awesome!
Deo Gratias!
How can I email you? I am a Tommy and live in Switzerland. Ciao, Jeff
I'm a 1988 Tommy, my brother lives in Geneva, and my maternal grandmother's family is from Vals, Graubunden.
You can reach me at:
swiss-miss at att dot net
swissmiss: Thanks Be to God, indeed.
Thank you everyone for the kind words! Catherine has had many scares in her short life. Some of which are: an abnormal heart beat turned out to be nothing, confirmed by an ultrasound. She failed numerous hearing tests, with some tests indicating her ears heard nothing. However, the latest specialist we saw said, the worst case scenario is that she may have minor hearing loss. I know she hears, maybe not perfectly, but she hears.
It is all very humbling to tangibly experience God's Mercy.
There are other stories, maybe some day I will get around to blogging about them. Will have to pray on it.
Way to go, Catherine!
(That's my name, too!)
I responded to your e-mail. Hope you got it.
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