25 May 2010

Hot fun in the summer time

and thinking about First Holy Communion prep.

During this time of year most homeschooling families are doing two things...finishing the year and preparing for the next.

It's homeschool conference time again. Unfortunately, this year the MN Catholic Homeschool Conference is this weekend, Memorial Day. I've been to the conference every year since my son was a newborn. I love the conference, love the speakers, love the enthusiastic and encouraging vibe that helps inspire me to continue.

However, I hate that the conference is this weekend since we will be out of town. Serious case of withdrawl and mild depression has hit me. How will I get through deciding which curricula to use if I can't look at it in person? All the glorious old books I'll miss and the cool things I didn't know existed.

I do have most of my decisions made for next year, just haven't ordered anything yet. Am almost in tears that RC History is not out with the third year. But, am finally going to order the lapbooks I had been looking at for the last year or so.

Lapbooks for Catholics has wonderful lapbooks/faith folders. I had planned to get the Things I see at Mass faith folder last year, but am finally getting around to ordering it. And, since my son will receive his first Holy Communion and Confession next year, I need to begin prepping him for all that entails. But, what really makes it great is that Lapbooks for Catholics is offering a 50% discount until May 31, on your next order if you mention the site on your blog or Facebook. Perfect timing!!

Wishing all my friends a wonderful time at the conference. Wish I was there too!

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